Angled Screw Driver (22mm) Torx Type
Lab use Torx Type screwdriver for Torx Angled Screws.Information Pamphlet: Before Designing an Angled Screw Channel
The angled screwdrivers are compatible with all of the angled screw components provided by CreoDent.
The latch type driver can be used with a handpiece or in conjunction with the adapter and the driver handle, ratchet wrench, or torque wrench.
1) Angled Screwdriver (15mm, 22mm)
1) Angled Screwdriver (15mm, 22mm)
- Surgical stainless steel
- Ball head Torx driver
- For angled screw channel. It provides you up to 20 degrees of angulations.
- Heat-treated
- Compatible with Straumann torque wrench
- Surgical stainless steel
- Ball head Torx driver
- For angled screw channels. It provides up to 20 degrees of angulation.
- Heat-treated for increased durability and wear resistance
- An adapter for torque wrench may be required
- Standard ISO latch connectivity
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