exocad Tooth Library (Flex Upgrade)

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Extensive library of beautiful natural teeth exocad DentalCAD ships with a variety of tooth libraries. For those who would like even more choice, an additional extensive library of beautiful natural teeth is available as a reasonably-priced add-on. With the module purchase, you’ll get a total of: 61 sets of upper...
Your freedom is our passion!
An excellent choice for creating a complete software solution for digital dentistry

(1)High-tech tools for high precision artisans

exocad DentalCAD is the tool for every dental technician who wants to be part of the future of digital dentistry. Already, the standard version of our software covers a wide variety of indications, making it an attractive choice both for expert users and newcomers in the dental CAD field. The strength of exocad DentalCAD is its simplicity. There is no point in creating software that makes your job harder, so it doesn't. Even for first-time users, it's extremely logical and easy to use because the software emulates the analog work of a dental technician.

(2) Easy to learn
To digitally design a restoration has never been as easy and accessible -- without the steep learning curve of the past. This will help you minimize training costs and maximize productivity and profits. exocad DentalCAD is reliable and robust even when dealing with complex cases on a daily basis.

(3) Easy to upgrade
Expand your exocad DentalCAD standard version according to your needs. Exocad add-on modules enhance the feature-set of the standard version. This module system allows great flexibility and you can purchase just what you need or omit what you don't, making it a very attractive economic proposition. We should warn you, however, that once you have tried the add-on modules, you may want them all!

Creo eShop Warranty Policy

Lifetime / Limited Warranty for Product & Equipment

Creo eShop Warranty Policy

At CREODENT eShop (“CREODENT” : www.creodentshop.com), we are proud to guarantee our products to be free of defects due to materials or fabrication. CREODENT has provided reliable and high-quality prosthetics components, material, tools and equipment to our consumers.

Lifetime / Limited Warranty for Product & Equipment

CREODENT provides a lifetime/limited warranty for abutment components manufactured and supplied by CREODENT Milling Center, Ltd. If, for any reason, dental implant prosthetic components (“component”) are not acceptable at the time of receipt, CREODENT shall replace the product at no charge. Simply return the product together with an explanation of the problem and your request for a replacement within 10 days. All other warranties against failure are as follows for a set term from date of product delivery.

  • Titanium abutment components – Lifetime Warranty

  • Tools – 1 year

CREODENT makes no warranty, and disclaims all implied warranties of merchantability and fitness for a particular purpose in connection with accessories, equipment, materials or components sold but not manufactured by CREODENT. These items sold, but not manufactured by CREODENT (such as thermoforming equipment and supplies, scanners,  etc.), are subject to the warranty, if any, of their manufacturer.

(Revised Mar 2022)

Extensive library of beautiful natural teeth

exocad DentalCAD ships with a variety of tooth libraries. For those who would like even more choice, an additional extensive library of beautiful natural teeth is available as a reasonably-priced add-on.

With the module purchase, you’ll get a total of:

  • 61 sets of upper arch anterior teeth

  • 19 sets of lower jaw anterior teeth

  • 19 sets of upper arch posteriors

  • 19 sets of lower jaw posteriors

The library includes the “Anteriores” collection of anterior teeth by Dr. Jan Hajtó. A whole range of additional tools that can help dental technicians and clinicians in their daily work. The library is available from third parties: Books and even physical models.

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exocad Tooth Library (Flex Upgrade)
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