Exocad DentalCAD

exocad DentalCAD (Perpetual Initial Purchase)
Expand your possibilities with the new exocad bundles! The new software bundles are tailored to the individual needs of the laboratories. You benefit from attractive prices compared to buying modules individually. PERPETUAL LICENSE DOES NOT REQUIRE ANNUAL UPDATES. REDUCED ANNUAL...
from $5,364.00
exocad DentalCAD (Flex Initial Purchase)
Expand your possibilities with the new exocad bundles! The new software bundles are tailored to the individual needs of the laboratories. You benefit from attractive prices compared to buying modules individually. FLEX LICENSE REQUIRES ANNUAL UPGRADES. HIGHER ANNUAL UPGRADE COST...
from $3,300.00
exocad Implant (Perpetual Initial Purchase)
Design abutments and screw-retained bridges Custom abutment design With exocad’s Implant Module, the design of custom abutments is easy and straightforward. Screw-retained bridges The design of screw-retained bridges, crowns and copings also become an easy task.
exocad Virtual Articulator (Perpetual Initial Purchase)
Simulate jaw movement and consider dynamic occlusion The positioning of the stone models within the physical articulator can be precisely transferred into the software (with the aid of a scanner that supports virtual articulation as well) for perfect patient-specific results....
exocad Jaw Motion Import (Perpetual Initial Purchase)
The Jaw Motion Import module allows you to import jaw movement registration data from external devices such as the JMA system from Zebris. Jaw Motion Import requires Virtual Articulator
exocad Bar (Perpetual Initial Purchase)
The exocad Bar requires Implant if you want to design bars on implants. The bar is designed to be supported within the context of full anatomical restorations. Attachments or retentions can be added to the design; cylindrical holes or even...
exocad Model Creator (Perpetual Initial Purchase)
The exocad Model Creator requires Implant if you want to design models with analogs. Create physical models from digital impression scans. Both the design of models with detachable segments (using premanufactured bases) and the design of monolithic models (where only...
exocad Smile Creator (Perpetual Initial Purchase)
Combine patient photos, outlines and 3D situations With the upcoming Smile Design module, exocad provides an easy solution for aesthetic planning that leads to more predictable results. Load patient photos in exocad. These will automatically be converted to 3D objects,...
exocad Provisional (Perpetual Initial Purchase)
Create eggshell temporaries from pre-op scans. The temporaries are created based on pre-operative scans; the shape of the provisional crown/bridge can either be copied from the original anatomy (if the original tooth is still in reasonably good shape), or the...
exocad DICOM Viewer (Perpetual Initial Purchase)
Visualize voxel CT data during the design process exocad’s DentalCAD platform includes an integrated DICOM Viewer* that allows you to visualize voxel data from CT machines during the design of dental restorations. *Note: DICOM Viewer is not for diagnostic/medical purposes....
exocad Bite Splint (Perpetual Initial Purchase)
With exocad’s Bite Splint Module, therapeutic night guards can be designed quickly and in high quality.We recommend using a combination of both Bite Splint Module and Virtual Articulator for optimal patient-specific results. Output files can be either milled or printed....
exocad TruSmile (Perpetual Initial Purchase)
Realistic rendering of dental restorations In addition to providing a “What You See Is What You Get” user experience, TruSmile is also a powerful marketing tool for dentists using chairside CAD/CAM systems – e.g. to help convince a patient to...
exocad Full Denture (Perpetual Initial Purchase)
Digital design of full dentures Model analysis can be performed digitally and the results will be used for an automatic tooth setup suggestion. The prosthetic can be milled or printed or produced using a combination of these methods.
exocad PartialCAD (Perpetual Initial Purchase)
Design removable partial denture frameworks With its outstanding design flexibility, our partial framework design solution meets the requirements of even the most demanding experts in the field. Advanced design and customization features for mesh, major connector, clasps, lingual aprons, and...
exocad Tooth Library (Perpetual Initial Purchase)
Extensive library of beautiful natural teeth exocad DentalCAD ships with a variety of tooth libraries. For those who would like even more choice, an additional extensive library of beautiful natural teeth is available as a reasonably-priced add-on. With the module...
exocad Implant (Flex Initial Purchase)
Design abutments and screw-retained bridges Custom abutment design With exocad’s Implant Module, the design of custom abutments is easy and straightforward. Screw-retained bridges The design of screw-retained bridges, crowns and copings also become an easy task.
exocad Virtual Articulator (Flex Initial Purchase)
Simulate jaw movement and consider dynamic occlusion The positioning of the stone models within the physical articulator can be precisely transferred into the software (with the aid of a scanner that supports virtual articulation as well) for perfect patient-specific results....
exocad Jaw Motion Import (Flex Initial Purchase)
The Jaw Motion Import module allows you to import jaw movement registration data from external devices such as the JMA system from Zebris. Jaw Motion Import requires Virtual Articulator
exocad Bar (Flex Initial Purchase)
The exocad Bar requires Implant if you want to design bars on implants. The bar is designed to be supported within the context of full anatomical restorations. Attachments or retentions can be added to the design; cylindrical holes or even...
exocad Model Creator (Flex Initial Purchase)
The exocad Model Creator requires Implant if you want to design models with analogs. Create physical models from digital impression scans. Both the design of models with detachable segments (using premanufactured bases) and the design of monolithic models (where only...
exocad Smile Creator (Flex Initial Purchase)
Combine patient photos, outlines and 3D situations With the upcoming Smile Design module, exocad provides an easy solution for aesthetic planning that leads to more predictable results. Load patient photos in exocad. These will automatically be converted to 3D objects,...
exocad Provisional (Flex Initial Purchase)
Create eggshell temporaries from pre-op scans. The temporaries are created based on pre-operative scans; the shape of the provisional crown/bridge can either be copied from the original anatomy (if the original tooth is still in reasonably good shape), or the...
exocad DICOM Viewer (Flex Initial Purchase)
Visualize voxel CT data during the design process exocad’s DentalCAD platform includes an integrated DICOM Viewer* that allows you to visualize voxel data from CT machines during the design of dental restorations. *Note: DICOM Viewer is not for diagnostic/medical purposes....
exocad Bite Splint (Flex Initial Purchase)
With exocad’s Bite Splint Module, therapeutic night guards can be designed quickly and in high quality.We recommend using a combination of both Bite Splint Module and Virtual Articulator for optimal patient-specific results. Output files can be either milled or printed....

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